Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Buying Auction House

One of the cheapest but quite tedious way to buy house is by buying auction house. You can see auction house being advertise by agent using billboard of fliyers.

1) Check Market Value (MV) of the house
2) Check condition of the house to estimate cost of repairing the house or to determine any problem. Ask neighbour to check any anomaly to the house. Contact maintenance office to print any oustanding payment.
3) Call the agent and you may need to submit your details to get details of the house (house drawing, term and condition of sales etc)
4) Make bank cheque (5%-10% from reserve value) to the bank
5) Set in mind the maximum price you want to bid. Go to auction house and hand over the cheque.
6) At the auction house, beware of any parties that offer you to pay some money in order for them to withdraw the bid. Most of them just want to make easy money just by entering the bid.
7) If you are lucky, you are the only one who bid the house and you will get reserve value.
8) If many people want to bid the house, you are also lucky because it's mean the property you want to bid have high demand thus more valuable
9) At the auction room be calm. (honestly I am quite nervous because need to make very quick decision to raise the bid).
10) Bid until the price is equivalent to the maximum price you already set. Do not bid anymore if it's exceed market value or maximum price you set.
11) If you win the bid, you need to pay additional money to match the downpayment . In my case the reserve value is RM85k (I make bank cheque RM8500). Since I win the bid at RM99k, I need to pay additional RM 1400 (RM 9900-RM8500 = RM 1400)
12) You will get 90-120 days to get bank loans...
13) If you loose, try next time. Collect back the bankers cheque. You will not loose any money.

Good luck.........

Additional cost to consider

1) Cost to repair the house
2) Cost oustanding assesment tax and maintenance (check if bank could pay it)
3) Cost of oustanding water and electricity (normally bank not cover)
4) Cost to lawyer (if possible get Zero Entry Cost - ZEE package. Lawyer will cost thousand of ringgit)
5) Cost of evaluator (Between RM200-500)


1) Maximum bid should lower than market value


1) Pay any money to someone you did not know to withdraw bid

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